Friday, November 7, 2008

Grayson Keith Glover

Grayson Keith Glover was born on October 29th, 2008 at 5:43 p.m. He weighed 6lbs. 1oz. and was 19 and 1/4 inches long. Grayson came 4 weeks and 5 days early and we are thrilled he is as healthy as a full term baby now! On October 29th,i woke up and thought to myself, i'm going to have my baby today..however, i would wake up thinking that thought everyday bc i was so ready to meet him. I looked at my cell phone and saw that it was 11:11 a.m. and i remember thinking, oh my gosh, i can't believe how late i slept and how wonderful i slept last night, because i had been sleeping miserably. i was feeling wonderful! then all of a sudden i heard this weird popping sound but didnt think to much of it, then the next thing i know, i was peeing all over myself, except i wasn't peeing, my water had broke!!! i obviously freaked out considering i was not at all prepared for this moment, especially 4 and 1/2 weeks early. So i frantically just kept saying "Oh my God, oh my God!" Eventually travis woke up and was wondering what was going on, but i was still so in shock i couldnt even explain to him what had happened so i just kept saying, "Oh my God!" eventually i came to terms with the fact that my water had broke, so i softly whispered to travis, "my water broke!" we were not at all prepared for this! we were still moving into our new apartment, and grayson's room wasn't even remotely close to being done! frantically, i called my dr, trav packed a bag for us, and we headed to the hospital! talk about bad timing... my dad was just getting on an airplane to go to Chicago, my stepmom was in arizona, travis's mom was in israel, and travis's dad was in argentina, thankfully my mom was here! goes to show our little grayson wants to run the show! he was ready to meet the world! at 5:43 p.m. the most amazing blessing came into our lives to change them forever! when i got to hold him for the first time, i experienced the most unconditional love! people always tell you about the love they have for their children, but you never know how unbelievable it is until you feel it for the first time! you love your baby so much and pray to God nothing ever happens to him and he will always be protected. i uncontrollably cried tears of love and joy they first time i held him in my arms and it is a moment i will never forget, it is a feeling i wish i could relive everyday! he already fills us so full of joy and we laugh and cry over all the precious faces and sounds he makes! he is truly the greatest gift, miracle, and blessing that God could have given us! we are so thankful to have him. he makes it so easy to be the world's proudest mommy and daddy!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

stretchmarks, peanut butter and milk!

i had a very bittersweet moment the other day. for most people getting a stretchmark is like the end of the world, i know to me before it would have been! but with only 6 weeks left until Grayson is here, i got my first stretchmark. at first i was bummed bc i thought i had done so well not cramming on the weight, but then i realized, hey, im, pregnant, these things are inevitable, right?!! then i got this huge feeling of joy come over me! it dawned on me that the reason i am getting this stretchmark is because our little boy is getting so big and growing so strong that he is stretching me out bc he is ready to come meet our world! so like a big dork, im excited about this ugly, yet so beautiful stretchmark! i also became very glad at the idea that i was able to accept the situation this way! as far as getting the stretchmark, im pretty sure how i got it...haha! i feel like the only thing i want to eat is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a glass of milk! apparently grayson can't get enough of it! these are the first cravings i have had throughout my pregnancy so i guess that's why i am excited about it! it's so funny how the things that excite you change so drastically when you are on your way to motherhood! i can't wait for the wonderful adventure!

Monday, October 13, 2008

yay! we have a blog!

so i have been wanting to create a blog forever now, considering all the wonderfully exciting stuff going on in our lives (cough, gray!!!) and i finally took the time to do it! im excited! unfortunately i have no idea how to operate this blog business, so any help to make our blog cutesy is much appreciated!